% From the book % PROLOG PROGRAMMING IN DEPTH % by Michael A. Covington, Donald Nute, and Andre Vellino % (Prentice Hall, 1997). % Copyright 1997 Prentice-Hall, Inc. % For educational use only % File QSORT.PL % Several versions of Quicksort % For maximum portability, this code includes some cuts that are % unnecessary in implementations that have first-argument indexing. % partition(+List,+Pivot,-Before,-After) % Divides List into two lists, one % containing elements that should % come before Pivot, the other containing % elements that should come after it. % Used in all versions of Quicksort. partition([X|Tail],Pivot,[X|Before],After) :- % X precedes Pivot X @< Pivot, !, partition(Tail,Pivot,Before,After). partition([X|Tail],Pivot,Before,[X|After]) :- % X follows Pivot !, partition(Tail,Pivot,Before,After). partition([],_,[],[]). % Empty list % Original Quicksort algorithm % (Sterling and Shapiro, 1994:70; Clocksin and Mellish 1984:157) quicksort([X|Tail],Result) :- !, partition(Tail,X,Before,After), quicksort(Before,SortedBefore), quicksort(After,SortedAfter), append(SortedBefore,[X|SortedAfter],Result). quicksort([],[]). % Delete next 2 lines if append/3 is built in append([],X,X). append([X|Tail],Y,[X|Z]) :- append(Tail,Y,Z). % Quicksort with difference lists % (Sterling and Shapiro 1994:289) dlqsort(List,Result) :- quicksort_dl(List,Result/[]). quicksort_dl([X|Tail],Result/ResultTail) :- !, partition(Tail,X,Before,After), quicksort_dl(Before,Result/[X|Z]), quicksort_dl(After,Z/ResultTail). quicksort_dl([],X/X). % Improved Quicksort using "stacks" % (separate variables for the tail of the list) % (Kluzniak and Szpakowicz 1985; Clocksin and Mellish 1984:157) iqsort(List,Result) :- iqsort_aux(List,[],Result). iqsort_aux([X|Tail],Stack,Result) :- !, partition(Tail,X,Before,After), iqsort_aux(After,Stack,NewStack), iqsort_aux(Before,[X|NewStack],Result). iqsort_aux([],Stack,Stack). % Demonstration predicates test1 :- quicksort([7,0,6,5,4,9,4,6,3,3],What), write(What). test2 :- dlqsort([7,0,6,5,4,9,4,6,3,3],What), write(What). test3 :- iqsort([7,0,6,5,4,9,4,6,3,3],What), write(What).